Biacore® Surface Plasmon Resonance

Applications include

  • Pharmaceutical drug discovery
  • Antibody characterization
  • Proteomics
  • Immunogenicity
  • Biotherapeutic development and manufacture
  • Life science research applications

Biacore® is a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) based analytical instrument. Biacore® technology allows generation of high quality data on the interactions between proteins and other molecules, including small molecule drug candidates. These data provide insights into molecular function and disease mechanisms. Thus, the data provided by Biacore® technology may play a key role in the critical decisions needed for efficient development and production of therapeutics.


The Confluence Discovery Technologies team has a wide range of experience in developing and validating Biacore assays to suit many different requirements. Our highly trained and knowledgeable scientists will assist with experimental design to develop and validate assays to meet client-specified criteria. We also perform data analysis and interpretation of Biacore® data to enable our clients to obtain the best insights from large, complex data outputs.

For assay design, development, validation, sample and data analysis, our experience in research and clinical development projects enables us to be an ideal service partner.

Assay Development

The Confluence team can advise on the most suitable assay procedure depending on the requirements of the client including: affinity measurements, on-rates, off-rates, specificity, selectivity, co-factor requirements, antibody specificity, and allosteric modulation of protein-protein interactions.

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